Friday, April 20, 2012

Jag Pratar Svenska. not really, i'm learning.

Hej Hej!

It is Friday, and it seems like it took forever to get here.  I had good intentions of writing on here numerous times throughout the week.  But have had this amazing distraction.  It is still in the interest Swedish studies though, so don't worry, it's not a set back :)

I managed to stumble across some new twitter friends this week.. One is from Brazil, with interestingly enough, a passion for Sweden.  Jag Pratar Svenska.  That's not a statement.. ha because I certainly don't yet.  It is their blog name, and if you click on their name it takes you to their blog.  Their blog is interesting because it tells of their journey, however, it is written in Portuguese, so of course I have to keep the translator on.

Jag Pratar Svenksa is going to do a blog about me, as soon as I have time to answer the questions :)  I will let you know when that is up.

I also found out through them about SFI - Swedish for Immigrants. I think this is awesome!!!  Why haven't we done this in America???   Seriously, we complain and say everyone needs to learn our language, well give them the tools to learn it!!   I guess I should explain SFI.   

Swedish tuition for immigrants forms part of the public adult education system in Sweden. The purpose of the scheme is to provide learners with basic Swedish language skills. It also aims to give adult immigrants who cannot read or write the chance to acquire these skills. Immigrants must be given the opportunity to develop their ability to communicate in Swedish - orally and in writing - in everyday situations, social settings and working life.  Municipalities are required to offer Swedish language instruction to all adult immigrants who lack basic Swedish language skills.

CRAZY :)  and yet.. so unbelievably GENIUS! 

I have another crazy weekend with the Special Olympics... tomorrow is Earth Day, so we are doing a fundraiser at a winery, and we are going to give out bags of dirt with seeds in them, so people can go home and plant trees, and then on Sunday we have 2 events.. we have what is called the "Beaver Stadium Run" which is a 5k run for fundraising, and I have an athlete that is running in that, and I have  a swim competition.  So I am pretty much booked solid all weekend.  

har en stor helg! Jag älskar er alla!
Love, Courtney N. Turner :)

Monday, April 16, 2012

Surströmming & Anders Breivik

What better subject to put with the horrible Norway terrorist than with rotten fish.

I shall start with the lesser of two evils.....  Surströmming :) 

I was talking to a Swedish friend yesterday about Swedish food.  I started by asking him why so many Swedes post pictures of food on their social media.  I think it is funny, because I am looking through photos.. and 75% of them are FOOD...  I told him that when I come over, I was willing to try all of the different dishes that the Swedes have..  and he informed me quickly that, that might not be the best idea...

After watching the video.  I must say, I agree.  I almost kräktes.  OH MY GODNESS, I was able to use "kräktes" and I never thought I would.  :)

Surströmming, is fish that has been fermented for a very long time; pretty much meaning it is ROTTEN!!!!  It has guts, and bones.  Eww.  For those in America, I bet they sell this stuff at Ollie's Bargain Outlet..  :)  Studies have actually shown that the smell of a newly opened can of surströmming is the most putrid smell of food in the world.  That is pretty damn impressive.  The thing about it that I find the most interesting is how it came about. 

Swedish sailors in the 16th century only had half the amount of salt needed to keep their fish fresh, so it began to rot. The sailors came across some Finnish islanders and decided to con them by selling the rotten fish to them. The Finns bought it and the sailors went away. A year later the Swedish sailors returned to the island and the locals asked if they had more rotten fish. The sailors decided to try it themselves, liked it and made more.  It is so awesome that something that started out as a con..  has lasted this long..  :)  I am impressed.  but then again..  I've been told i'm easily impressed :)

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Våga älska och bli älskad!

I was debating on doing a blog today, i'm feeling very meloncholy.. lethargic.  just straight BLAH. 
For those that know me, my fiance and I broke it off yesterday, actually about 1 hour before the largest fundraiser of the year, that we have for the Clearfield County Special Olympics. 

I had a few drinks (captain and coke) which I haven't had anything besides a few glasses of wine in 2 years so as you can imagine, I was pretty tipsy. I passed out on my parents couch until after noon today.  Definitely not one of my finest moments; however, the fundraiser was a success.  I did my speech.  I danced, I had a blast, and for quite a few hours, I was able to forget what was going on in my life.

Today, I am hungover.  (slightly, I slept through most of it) and realize everything I have to do, or UN-do I should say.  I own part of a business with him.  I am on a lease for a house with him.  But no matter what, this was for the best.  I have stuff I have to take care of, but it was inevitable, and now I can focus on my one true passion, and make my dreams come true. 

I strongly believe in love.  I think it is the strongest force out there.  and my love for Sweden prooves that.  I think Swedes are some of the kindest people in the world, and that is where I belong.
I am leaving you today with some phrases, and sayings about love. :) 

Störst av allt är kärleken. - The greatest of all is love.
Kärlekens kraft upphör aldrig. - Loves force never ceases
Våga välja kärleken, utan regler, utan rädsla.  - Dare to choose love, without rules, without fear.
Kärleken kan plötsligt komma in i livet med oväntad kraft och glädje. - Love can suddenly come into life with unexpected strength and joy.
Älska - och bli älskad.                                           To Love and be loved
Förlåt - och bli förlåten.                                         Forgive and be forgiven.
Ge - och ta emot.                                                  Give and receive.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Köket var fullt av kackerlackor

Ok, Seriously, either you guys LIKE my blog, or you are visiting it for ... curiousity sake?  either way...
So far for one month, these are my stats....
United States    61
Sweden             38
Russia               23
United Kingdom 4
Germany             2
Oman                  1

Seriously, I don't know ANYONE in Russia, UK, Germany or Oman ( I don't even know where Oman is) BUT.. I am so stoked that people are coming to read my non-sense. :)  Thank you

Спасибо России - I did take 2 years of Russian in high school.  Меня зовут Катюша
here is a silly poem I remember from it.
муха муха на стене

как вы поживаете
Вот мой новый пистолет
Бак Бак myxи нет
Silly.  I know.   I still can't figure out why they teach us silly things in foreign languages..  TEACH ME SOMETHING I CAN USE..not something that will get people to maybe laugh AT me...  and I would never know the diffrerence...
Yesterdays lesson, I learned "Köket var fullt av kackerlackor."  Now seriously, I hope I NEVER have to tell someone that the kitchen is full of cockroaches.  but I have been learning Svenska for a month now.....  TEACH ME STUFF I CAN USE.. I do not intend on being an exterminator... so....... lets leave the rodents out...

Well its friday, It has been a GREAT WEEK.... I won a pair of sneaks from TRETORN and I am so excited to see them, show them off, spread the word.. ect...

I have a ton of things going on this weekend, (as always...)   BIG fundraiser for my Special Olympics Athletes...  They are my life... well with the exception of Sweden. :)

OH.... I think that is it.. have a great weekend.......... and I hope my audience continues to grow......

Courtney N Turner

Friday, April 6, 2012

Easter / Påsk i Sverige SHORT AND SWEET

OK, so my last blog was.... a rant?  a run on?  goodness, I dont even have the attention span to read it again... haha so this one is going to be super short and sweet.

1.  Easter in Sweden sounds CONFUSING
2.  Easter in Sweden sounds like the food is.... (how do I say this nicely.....) interesting??

but last.
even if this tradition of dressing up like a witch and getting candy on easter is still out, I think i'm going to convince a crew of people to do it with me when i'm there.......

would you get in trouble for something like that in Sweden??  In America they MAY pull a gun on you, they MAY slam the door on you, or they MAY just figure you are trying to score some drugs.

Thats all for now!!!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

About Me. Courtney. N. Turner.

Yes, I know blogspot has it's little "about me section" that I can tell you like, my favorite quote and favorite color. haha but really.  There are SOOOO many levels to me.  So far in my blog I'm sure you can assume that I like Sweden....  I mean.. something to that extent at least right?  at least a little bit?  ;)

and secondly, when I "like" or "tycka om" something, it is seriously, my obsession, and passion. But as a FAMOUS person once said "“Obsessed is a word the lazy use to describe the dedicated.” 

For example, Last year, in May, I wanted to volunteer at the Clearfield County Special Olympics.  The first management team meeting I went to I loved it.  I loved all of the team, and I loved their dedication, and the time they were putting out there, for a better life for children and adults that don't have the same luxuries that everyone else has.  I was instantly (at my first meeting) nominated to be the Clearfield County Manager for the group.  I was honored, and didn't question it for one second.  I had to go through 3 interviews before the position was OFFICIALLY mine, but after all of that I because the Manager.   At that point it was RECOMMENDED to me, not to get involved in everything that the Special Olympics does.  Becuase the prior manager had her hands in everything, and she just got burnt out. 

So I started off slow..  leading the meetings, doing some public relations, getting to know the athletes, and accompanying them out on their competitions; however, this soon changed.  In December, I started to get emotionally attached to the athletes, and I am learning all of their personalities, and I love it!!!!!!

I started helping out briefly with bowling, and then swimming, and going to more and more competitions, and now I am coaching Track and Field.  (on a side note, I would LOVE to football, and by football, I mean, REAL football,)  A competely side story is why Americans had to steal the word football from Europe.  Seriously.  Why do we have to call it soccer.  Why couldn't we just call american football "soccer".  ANYWAYS. (sorry about that).  and honestly, just about EVERY night of the week I am doing SOMETHING with my Special Olympics kids.  We have a big fundraising event on April 22nd, it usually brings in around $6000. 

But honestly, here is my week.  Monday - work at Professional Gasfield - Vice President of Operations - I completely run the whole office.  8:30 - 5:30  5:30 - 6:30 Special Olympics Swimming 6:30 - 7:30 Aqua pump (intense workout in the pool), long walk home, then.. Sleep :)

Tuesday - Work at Allstate - 8:30-5  Then Special Olympics Track and Field 5:30 - 7:00

Wednesday Work at Professioan Gasfield 8:30 - 6:00 then Aqua pump 6:30 - 7:30

Thursday Work at allstate 8:30 - 5 Then Special Olympics Management team meeting 5:30 - UNTIL WHENEVER!!!!!!   Most of these last many many hours!!!!!!!!

Friday - work at Pro Gasfield 8:30 til whenever the work is done. hahahaha

Saturday and Sunday....  I enjoy doing things with my family and friends.  I do not have any children, so I absolutely adore my neice Keira.

1.  Learning about Swedish Culture
2.  Learing Swedish Geography
3.  Learning Swedish Traditions
4.  Learning Swedish Fashion
5.  Learning Swedish personalities - and this one has been a rough one.
6.  Learning the Swedish Language - coming along pretty good
7.  Creating some Swedish bonds - I have found that every Swede I have tried to start a conversation up with, has been EXTREMELY helpful, and has absolutely no problem answer my questions.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Allt för Sverige

Yesterday I found the most amazing thing ever.  A reality show about Americans with Swedish descent fighting for an opportunity to go to Sweden and meet their descendants.  It is called Allt för Sverige.  This show was made just for me.  Well maybe not for me, since it is on its second season, but seriously, I NEED to be on this show.  I sent my information over yesterday, and my fingers, toes, eyes, and everything else is crossed that I will get called. 

This is combining 2 things I was meant for.  TV and Sweden! <3

Speaking of TV.  In 2001 my brother and I were on a game show called "Beat the Clock."  It was very low budget, corny, and aired on PAX, which i'm pretty sure doesn't even exist anymore. But it was such a blast, in the end we won $100 in beauty supplys, i'm sure as you can imagine, my brother was super stoked.  haha.  I have searched numerous times for a copy of our episode on the internet, but it just wasn't happening.