Hej Hej!
It is Friday, and it seems like it took forever to get here. I had good intentions of writing on here numerous times throughout the week. But have had this amazing distraction. It is still in the interest Swedish studies though, so don't worry, it's not a set back :)
I managed to stumble across some new twitter friends this week.. One is from Brazil, with interestingly enough, a passion for Sweden. Jag Pratar Svenska. That's not a statement.. ha because I certainly don't yet. It is their blog name, and if you click on their name it takes you to their blog. Their blog is interesting because it tells of their journey, however, it is written in Portuguese, so of course I have to keep the translator on.
Jag Pratar Svenksa is going to do a blog about me, as soon as I have time to answer the questions :) I will let you know when that is up.
I also found out through them about SFI - Swedish for Immigrants. I think this is awesome!!! Why haven't we done this in America??? Seriously, we complain and say everyone needs to learn our language, well give them the tools to learn it!! I guess I should explain SFI.
Swedish tuition for immigrants forms part of the public adult education system in Sweden. The purpose of the scheme is to provide learners with basic Swedish language skills. It also aims to give adult immigrants who cannot read or write the chance to acquire these skills. Immigrants must be given the opportunity to develop their ability to communicate in Swedish - orally and in writing - in everyday situations, social settings and working life. Municipalities are required to offer Swedish language instruction to all adult immigrants who lack basic Swedish language skills.
CRAZY :) and yet.. so unbelievably GENIUS!
I have another crazy weekend with the Special Olympics... tomorrow is Earth Day, so we are doing a fundraiser at a winery, and we are going to give out bags of dirt with seeds in them, so people can go home and plant trees, and then on Sunday we have 2 events.. we have what is called the "Beaver Stadium Run" which is a 5k run for fundraising, and I have an athlete that is running in that, and I have a swim competition. So I am pretty much booked solid all weekend.
har en stor helg! Jag älskar er alla!
Love, Courtney N. Turner :)