Wednesday, April 4, 2012

About Me. Courtney. N. Turner.

Yes, I know blogspot has it's little "about me section" that I can tell you like, my favorite quote and favorite color. haha but really.  There are SOOOO many levels to me.  So far in my blog I'm sure you can assume that I like Sweden....  I mean.. something to that extent at least right?  at least a little bit?  ;)

and secondly, when I "like" or "tycka om" something, it is seriously, my obsession, and passion. But as a FAMOUS person once said "“Obsessed is a word the lazy use to describe the dedicated.” 

For example, Last year, in May, I wanted to volunteer at the Clearfield County Special Olympics.  The first management team meeting I went to I loved it.  I loved all of the team, and I loved their dedication, and the time they were putting out there, for a better life for children and adults that don't have the same luxuries that everyone else has.  I was instantly (at my first meeting) nominated to be the Clearfield County Manager for the group.  I was honored, and didn't question it for one second.  I had to go through 3 interviews before the position was OFFICIALLY mine, but after all of that I because the Manager.   At that point it was RECOMMENDED to me, not to get involved in everything that the Special Olympics does.  Becuase the prior manager had her hands in everything, and she just got burnt out. 

So I started off slow..  leading the meetings, doing some public relations, getting to know the athletes, and accompanying them out on their competitions; however, this soon changed.  In December, I started to get emotionally attached to the athletes, and I am learning all of their personalities, and I love it!!!!!!

I started helping out briefly with bowling, and then swimming, and going to more and more competitions, and now I am coaching Track and Field.  (on a side note, I would LOVE to football, and by football, I mean, REAL football,)  A competely side story is why Americans had to steal the word football from Europe.  Seriously.  Why do we have to call it soccer.  Why couldn't we just call american football "soccer".  ANYWAYS. (sorry about that).  and honestly, just about EVERY night of the week I am doing SOMETHING with my Special Olympics kids.  We have a big fundraising event on April 22nd, it usually brings in around $6000. 

But honestly, here is my week.  Monday - work at Professional Gasfield - Vice President of Operations - I completely run the whole office.  8:30 - 5:30  5:30 - 6:30 Special Olympics Swimming 6:30 - 7:30 Aqua pump (intense workout in the pool), long walk home, then.. Sleep :)

Tuesday - Work at Allstate - 8:30-5  Then Special Olympics Track and Field 5:30 - 7:00

Wednesday Work at Professioan Gasfield 8:30 - 6:00 then Aqua pump 6:30 - 7:30

Thursday Work at allstate 8:30 - 5 Then Special Olympics Management team meeting 5:30 - UNTIL WHENEVER!!!!!!   Most of these last many many hours!!!!!!!!

Friday - work at Pro Gasfield 8:30 til whenever the work is done. hahahaha

Saturday and Sunday....  I enjoy doing things with my family and friends.  I do not have any children, so I absolutely adore my neice Keira.

1.  Learning about Swedish Culture
2.  Learing Swedish Geography
3.  Learning Swedish Traditions
4.  Learning Swedish Fashion
5.  Learning Swedish personalities - and this one has been a rough one.
6.  Learning the Swedish Language - coming along pretty good
7.  Creating some Swedish bonds - I have found that every Swede I have tried to start a conversation up with, has been EXTREMELY helpful, and has absolutely no problem answer my questions.

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