Monday, July 30, 2012


pas·sion [pash-uhn] noun

1. any powerful or compelling emotion or feeling, as love or hate.
  2. strong amorous feeling or desire; love; ardor.
 3. strong sexual desire; lust
 4. an instance or experience of strong love or sexual desire.
5. a person toward whom one feels strong love or sexual desire.

I started this blog titled Svenska Brinner. I got that title through google translate, I typed in Swedish Passion, and that is what I got. To this day, I don´t really know if the translation really fits, but I would like to think that it does, because that is how this all started.  Everything I do, I do with all of my heart, and all of my soul.

 Let´s talk about my passion for Sweden.... wow. so as of right now.. I have 37 days to go. 37 days. That is so close. it is actually unbelievably close. I think what I am trying to understand right now is... Why did my Great grandparents move here? Their brothers and sisters didnt. As I look at my family tree, they are the only ones that came here, my Pap is still alive, but he will not talk about Sweden at all, actually, I told him I was going to Sweden, and he told me I was wasting my money, and that was the ONLY thing he said, he will not talk about Sweden at all. The fact that I am being withheld information, only makes me want to know more. I am going to leave you with some of my very favorite quotes about PASSION, because if unless you are going to give something your all, unless you are going to put PASSION in what you are doing, then I guess you are just doing it for a pay check, and that is not me. When I do something, I do it because my heart is in it.

 "No matter how much you want to succeed, if you do not believe you will, then success will not happen for you." Charles M. Marcus,

 So try to pursue the very things that you are passionate about- that is the difference between good and great! Shawn Doyle

 If you have ever felt such tremendous enthusiasm and desire for something that you would gladly spend all your waking hours working on it, that you would happily do without pay, then you have found your passion." Sharon Cook and Graciela Sholander,

 Dream It Do It Follow your passion, and success will follow you. Arthur Buddhold

The essential conditions of everything you do must be choice, love, passion. Nadia Boulanger

Don't ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive. Harold Whitman

Live with passion! Anthony Robbins

"Never underestimate the power of passion." Eve Sawyer

 Only passions, great passions, can elevate the soul to great things. Denis Diderot

"Nothing great in the world has ever been accomplished without passion." Hebbel

So try to pursue the very things that you are passionate about- that is the difference between good and great! Shawn Doyle

 A great leader's courage to fulfill his vision comes from passion, not position. John Maxwell

 Pack all there is into your life; you only pass this way once! Sit back and think what is it you enjoy. Take courses, read books, find your passion, your 'wanna do's'." Catherine Pulsifer, Wanna Do's

Monday, May 7, 2012

Dating in Sweden

I had a super busy weekend, which left me feeling as though I had NO weekend, because I woke up late today, was only 5 minutes late to work, I have drank mass amounts of coffee today ( no real sugar, just fake sugar :) and with lots of FAKE energy now pumping through my veins, i'm super distracted today.  and I love distracted days.  because distracted days =  let's not do any "real" work, let's LEARN ABOUT SWEDEN days!!

Today, I am studying, DATING in Sweden, and I have found many guides to this on the internet.. I shall share some of the greats with you.....

First.. this is an A to Å guide on how to date in Sweden thanks to The Local.

In a nutshell, it goes something like this:

A) Meet at a mutual friend's party.

B) Get really, really drunk.

C) Make out. Sex is optional.

D) If you're lucky, you are sober enough to save the other person's telephone number in your mobile, AND to put it under the correct name.

E) Send a text message along the lines of "last night was nice. Shall we have a coffee sometime?"

F) Spend hours analyzing the various ways in which aforementioned text message could be misinterpreted. Get your friends involved.

G) Have a "fika." *(see below for an explanation of this uniquely Swedish institution)

*A "fika" is a Swedish word for an ambiguous meeting that may or may not be a date, or better explained as a non-date, or a date that is pretending-not-to-be-a-date.

It is also worth mentioning that one can also have a fika with a friend, colleague, family member, or neighbor. Hence the ambiguity of the whole affair.

During this "fika" Swedish non-date, things are a little stilted and awkward as both parties pretend that nothing happened last Saturday night, and politely and awkwardly ask questions about the other person, usually beginning with "Where do you live?," descending into a discussion about the difficulty and frustration of the Stockholm housing market, and complaining that you have had to move seven times in the course of six months.

Now, where were we...oh yes:

H) At the end of this date pretending not to be a date, give each other an awkward hug, or possibly a handshake, ended with the statement, "Vi hörs!" or "Hoppas vi ses snart!" ("I'll talk to you soon." or "Hope we see each other soon!")

I) Spend the entire next week pondering over who should make the next move. A WORD OF WARNING: It is not assumed here that the guy will take the lead. More likely, the opposite is expected. If the Swedish guy is brave enough open his mouth and say something at all during this date, he may feel that it is now the girl's turn to put herself out on a limb.

J) Spend many more hours analyzing your feeble attempts at text message"flirting," agonizing over whether you should or should not use the word "mysig" (cozy) or "trevlig" (nice), fearing the former may be too much, and the latter may not be enough. Once again, enlist the help of your friends.

K) Repeat Step A.

L) Repeat Step B.

M) Repeat Step C, all the while pretending it never happened the first time.

N) Sometime after several more renditions of Steps B and C, go out to dinner.

O) Since it's a little harder to pretend you are not on a real date in the formal atmosphere of a restaurant, drink massive amounts of the house wine.

P) At the end of dinner, closely examine the bill to make sure each person pays for his or her appropriate share, including the extra five kronor for dressing on the side.

Q) Get kicked out of your way-too-expensive second-hand rental contract because the person you were subletting from didn't take 10 study points and lost his/her contract for student housing.

R) Get drunk again, and commiserate on the horrors of the Stockholm housing market.

S) Move in together.

T) Go shopping at Ikea.

U) Take a romantic trip to the Canary Islands.

V) Move to the suburbs, buy a Volvo and start collecting “Vuxenpoäng” (seeStockholm Syndrome for more on the ‘adult points’ systems).

W) Have a child.

X) Name it Johan, Erik, Fredrik, or Henrik if it’s a boy or Sara, Anna, Lisa, or Emma if it’s a girl.

Y) Two months after you go back to work after having Johan/Erik/Fredrik/Henrik/Sara/Anna/Lisa/Emma, repeat Step W.

Z) Enjoy an additional 18 months of parental leave.

Å) Get married for your 20th wedding anniversary.

This guide made me laugh, numerous times, but from what I have read, and watched, it is seems to be quite true...  any Swedes reading this will have to shed some light for me :)

Here is a guide that will teach you how to FLIRT in Sweden.  It seems as though, alcohol is a definite prerequisite for flirting..

here is a blog trying to come up with a guide for dating in Sweden... Lost in Stockholm

here are some broad tips that she gives..

- Women have to make the moves to make things happen
- Text, text, text message…just don’t call
- Go out on a date and really have no idea where you stand
- Meet someone and have no idea where you stand after chatting for a few hours
- Learn that they do seem to keep their feelings bottled up. They could probably make great poker players.
- Ask the man for his number because he’s not asking you
- “Swedish men are inconsiderate” i.e. they lack chivalry (not my words either!)
- People don’t flirt in public places, e.g. the train, the queue, the store
- People don’t really smile and flirt with the eyes. No no no.

I am definitely interested in some views on all of this!!!  Please post comments.  I have never been to Sweden, I am simply gathering information from numerous sites, so throw out some incite :) 

9,852 reasons why Sweden is the best country.

It has seriously been a long time since I have posted a blog.   I would go on and say how extremely busy I have been, but I don't like to make excuses.  I just haven't made the time to blog.  :)  So my commitment is...  3 blogs this week.

I was going to do a blog comparing America to Sweden.  and I actually posted one for a day.  But I realized after I posted it that, I am biased, and I am going to make Sweden kick Americas ass, and ultimately, my goal is not to make people dislike America, it is to show people how AMAZING Sweden is!! :)

So... Today I shall make a list of the things I find AMAZING in Sweden :) and perhaps elaborate on some of them.  (btw these are in no order, just as how they come into my mind..)

1.  Sweden let's their citizen's run their twitter account.  They rotate various citizen's into the seat of @Sweden on twitter, and they allow them to say WHATEVER they want.  Check out How @Sweden has inspired Twitter.   Needless to say, with free reign to say anything, it has raised some controversy when the first curator wrote "Listen up, folks! I'm @kwasbeb, a regular swedish dude, and I'm taking over this goddamned account for a week! Expect bad sex and slapstick.", and "Well, ok, I'll swede the LOT of you: meat balls äre guud, änd naked girls make me sæy "jaa!"."  Last weeks @Sweden went out known as the "Sex crazed Swede" who said "fuck" enough to make me blush... and that takes talent. :)  I think it is great!! and I love that they are pushing the envelope to even say that @Sweden is the "most Democratic Twitter account!"  well done Sweden!!

2.  Sweden's taxes come mailed out to you already FILLED OUT!!!!  I'm still shocked by this one, and I found it out like a month ago.  As long as you agree with how everything is filled out, you can send a text message and pay it!!!  I am very tempted to write about how horrible America's system is, but I will leave it with just the awesome fact that SWEDEN ROCKS!!

3.  Saturdays in Sweden are a special day, especially if you are a kid. It’s Lördagsgodis, translated in English as Saturday’s Candies. It is the day to stuff yourself silly with candy (in swedish: godis). As a Swedish child, Saturday is a special treat day to eat sweets and go to the candy store.

Shopping for candy is more of an adventure than eating it for me. The colors, the shapes, the sizes! Truly is eye candy of candy. Swedish grocery stores have bins stacked 10-20 bins wide and 6 bins tall. That can be as much as 120 different varieties of loose candy! It’s Jelly Belly madness for Americans who have seen the Jelly Belly bins at the candy store. Loose candies can be jelly, hard, chocolate, licorice, gummy, marshmallow, sweet, sour, just about anything you can imagine.  I am not a big candy freak.. but I can imagine as a child I would have been in heaven :)

4.  5 weeks of vacation!!!!!  Enough said

5.  Parental leave (mammaledgit/pappaledgit) is 15 months…paid!  AND kid's get free daycare  - I don't have any children, but this is pretty awesome.

6.  Socialized Healthcare.

7.  Fika

8. Göteborg - the water, the harbor, the bridges, the canals, boats, the gorgeous views.
 I am in love with this city.

9. Lagom är bäst" - I have always lived by this popular Swedish philosophy. Unlike most Americans. Which means "just the right amount." or "less is more" per say, because it has Lagom has no direct English translation. Most Americans live in EXCESS. I am happy as long as I have perfect balance :)

10.  allemansrätten - Every man's right, or Freedom to roam.  Allemansrätten gives a person the right to access, walk, cycle, ride, ski, and camp on any land with few exceptions.

I shall end today with 10 reasons why Sweden is the best country, only 9842 to go!!

Oh I also wanted you all to know that I purchased Rosetta Stone to learn Swedish.  I have made it through lesson one and received a 70% , mainly because I can not roll my R's very well ;)  but I am determined, and I will rock this thing!!!   Flicka springer!!

Hej då!!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Jag Pratar Svenska. not really, i'm learning.

Hej Hej!

It is Friday, and it seems like it took forever to get here.  I had good intentions of writing on here numerous times throughout the week.  But have had this amazing distraction.  It is still in the interest Swedish studies though, so don't worry, it's not a set back :)

I managed to stumble across some new twitter friends this week.. One is from Brazil, with interestingly enough, a passion for Sweden.  Jag Pratar Svenska.  That's not a statement.. ha because I certainly don't yet.  It is their blog name, and if you click on their name it takes you to their blog.  Their blog is interesting because it tells of their journey, however, it is written in Portuguese, so of course I have to keep the translator on.

Jag Pratar Svenksa is going to do a blog about me, as soon as I have time to answer the questions :)  I will let you know when that is up.

I also found out through them about SFI - Swedish for Immigrants. I think this is awesome!!!  Why haven't we done this in America???   Seriously, we complain and say everyone needs to learn our language, well give them the tools to learn it!!   I guess I should explain SFI.   

Swedish tuition for immigrants forms part of the public adult education system in Sweden. The purpose of the scheme is to provide learners with basic Swedish language skills. It also aims to give adult immigrants who cannot read or write the chance to acquire these skills. Immigrants must be given the opportunity to develop their ability to communicate in Swedish - orally and in writing - in everyday situations, social settings and working life.  Municipalities are required to offer Swedish language instruction to all adult immigrants who lack basic Swedish language skills.

CRAZY :)  and yet.. so unbelievably GENIUS! 

I have another crazy weekend with the Special Olympics... tomorrow is Earth Day, so we are doing a fundraiser at a winery, and we are going to give out bags of dirt with seeds in them, so people can go home and plant trees, and then on Sunday we have 2 events.. we have what is called the "Beaver Stadium Run" which is a 5k run for fundraising, and I have an athlete that is running in that, and I have  a swim competition.  So I am pretty much booked solid all weekend.  

har en stor helg! Jag älskar er alla!
Love, Courtney N. Turner :)

Monday, April 16, 2012

Surströmming & Anders Breivik

What better subject to put with the horrible Norway terrorist than with rotten fish.

I shall start with the lesser of two evils.....  Surströmming :) 

I was talking to a Swedish friend yesterday about Swedish food.  I started by asking him why so many Swedes post pictures of food on their social media.  I think it is funny, because I am looking through photos.. and 75% of them are FOOD...  I told him that when I come over, I was willing to try all of the different dishes that the Swedes have..  and he informed me quickly that, that might not be the best idea...

After watching the video.  I must say, I agree.  I almost kräktes.  OH MY GODNESS, I was able to use "kräktes" and I never thought I would.  :)

Surströmming, is fish that has been fermented for a very long time; pretty much meaning it is ROTTEN!!!!  It has guts, and bones.  Eww.  For those in America, I bet they sell this stuff at Ollie's Bargain Outlet..  :)  Studies have actually shown that the smell of a newly opened can of surströmming is the most putrid smell of food in the world.  That is pretty damn impressive.  The thing about it that I find the most interesting is how it came about. 

Swedish sailors in the 16th century only had half the amount of salt needed to keep their fish fresh, so it began to rot. The sailors came across some Finnish islanders and decided to con them by selling the rotten fish to them. The Finns bought it and the sailors went away. A year later the Swedish sailors returned to the island and the locals asked if they had more rotten fish. The sailors decided to try it themselves, liked it and made more.  It is so awesome that something that started out as a con..  has lasted this long..  :)  I am impressed.  but then again..  I've been told i'm easily impressed :)

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Våga älska och bli älskad!

I was debating on doing a blog today, i'm feeling very meloncholy.. lethargic.  just straight BLAH. 
For those that know me, my fiance and I broke it off yesterday, actually about 1 hour before the largest fundraiser of the year, that we have for the Clearfield County Special Olympics. 

I had a few drinks (captain and coke) which I haven't had anything besides a few glasses of wine in 2 years so as you can imagine, I was pretty tipsy. I passed out on my parents couch until after noon today.  Definitely not one of my finest moments; however, the fundraiser was a success.  I did my speech.  I danced, I had a blast, and for quite a few hours, I was able to forget what was going on in my life.

Today, I am hungover.  (slightly, I slept through most of it) and realize everything I have to do, or UN-do I should say.  I own part of a business with him.  I am on a lease for a house with him.  But no matter what, this was for the best.  I have stuff I have to take care of, but it was inevitable, and now I can focus on my one true passion, and make my dreams come true. 

I strongly believe in love.  I think it is the strongest force out there.  and my love for Sweden prooves that.  I think Swedes are some of the kindest people in the world, and that is where I belong.
I am leaving you today with some phrases, and sayings about love. :) 

Störst av allt är kärleken. - The greatest of all is love.
Kärlekens kraft upphör aldrig. - Loves force never ceases
Våga välja kärleken, utan regler, utan rädsla.  - Dare to choose love, without rules, without fear.
Kärleken kan plötsligt komma in i livet med oväntad kraft och glädje. - Love can suddenly come into life with unexpected strength and joy.
Älska - och bli älskad.                                           To Love and be loved
Förlåt - och bli förlåten.                                         Forgive and be forgiven.
Ge - och ta emot.                                                  Give and receive.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Köket var fullt av kackerlackor

Ok, Seriously, either you guys LIKE my blog, or you are visiting it for ... curiousity sake?  either way...
So far for one month, these are my stats....
United States    61
Sweden             38
Russia               23
United Kingdom 4
Germany             2
Oman                  1

Seriously, I don't know ANYONE in Russia, UK, Germany or Oman ( I don't even know where Oman is) BUT.. I am so stoked that people are coming to read my non-sense. :)  Thank you

Спасибо России - I did take 2 years of Russian in high school.  Меня зовут Катюша
here is a silly poem I remember from it.
муха муха на стене

как вы поживаете
Вот мой новый пистолет
Бак Бак myxи нет
Silly.  I know.   I still can't figure out why they teach us silly things in foreign languages..  TEACH ME SOMETHING I CAN USE..not something that will get people to maybe laugh AT me...  and I would never know the diffrerence...
Yesterdays lesson, I learned "Köket var fullt av kackerlackor."  Now seriously, I hope I NEVER have to tell someone that the kitchen is full of cockroaches.  but I have been learning Svenska for a month now.....  TEACH ME STUFF I CAN USE.. I do not intend on being an exterminator... so....... lets leave the rodents out...

Well its friday, It has been a GREAT WEEK.... I won a pair of sneaks from TRETORN and I am so excited to see them, show them off, spread the word.. ect...

I have a ton of things going on this weekend, (as always...)   BIG fundraiser for my Special Olympics Athletes...  They are my life... well with the exception of Sweden. :)

OH.... I think that is it.. have a great weekend.......... and I hope my audience continues to grow......

Courtney N Turner