Friday, April 13, 2012

Köket var fullt av kackerlackor

Ok, Seriously, either you guys LIKE my blog, or you are visiting it for ... curiousity sake?  either way...
So far for one month, these are my stats....
United States    61
Sweden             38
Russia               23
United Kingdom 4
Germany             2
Oman                  1

Seriously, I don't know ANYONE in Russia, UK, Germany or Oman ( I don't even know where Oman is) BUT.. I am so stoked that people are coming to read my non-sense. :)  Thank you

Спасибо России - I did take 2 years of Russian in high school.  Меня зовут Катюша
here is a silly poem I remember from it.
муха муха на стене

как вы поживаете
Вот мой новый пистолет
Бак Бак myxи нет
Silly.  I know.   I still can't figure out why they teach us silly things in foreign languages..  TEACH ME SOMETHING I CAN USE..not something that will get people to maybe laugh AT me...  and I would never know the diffrerence...
Yesterdays lesson, I learned "Köket var fullt av kackerlackor."  Now seriously, I hope I NEVER have to tell someone that the kitchen is full of cockroaches.  but I have been learning Svenska for a month now.....  TEACH ME STUFF I CAN USE.. I do not intend on being an exterminator... so....... lets leave the rodents out...

Well its friday, It has been a GREAT WEEK.... I won a pair of sneaks from TRETORN and I am so excited to see them, show them off, spread the word.. ect...

I have a ton of things going on this weekend, (as always...)   BIG fundraiser for my Special Olympics Athletes...  They are my life... well with the exception of Sweden. :)

OH.... I think that is it.. have a great weekend.......... and I hope my audience continues to grow......

Courtney N Turner

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