Sunday, April 15, 2012

Våga älska och bli älskad!

I was debating on doing a blog today, i'm feeling very meloncholy.. lethargic.  just straight BLAH. 
For those that know me, my fiance and I broke it off yesterday, actually about 1 hour before the largest fundraiser of the year, that we have for the Clearfield County Special Olympics. 

I had a few drinks (captain and coke) which I haven't had anything besides a few glasses of wine in 2 years so as you can imagine, I was pretty tipsy. I passed out on my parents couch until after noon today.  Definitely not one of my finest moments; however, the fundraiser was a success.  I did my speech.  I danced, I had a blast, and for quite a few hours, I was able to forget what was going on in my life.

Today, I am hungover.  (slightly, I slept through most of it) and realize everything I have to do, or UN-do I should say.  I own part of a business with him.  I am on a lease for a house with him.  But no matter what, this was for the best.  I have stuff I have to take care of, but it was inevitable, and now I can focus on my one true passion, and make my dreams come true. 

I strongly believe in love.  I think it is the strongest force out there.  and my love for Sweden prooves that.  I think Swedes are some of the kindest people in the world, and that is where I belong.
I am leaving you today with some phrases, and sayings about love. :) 

Störst av allt är kärleken. - The greatest of all is love.
Kärlekens kraft upphör aldrig. - Loves force never ceases
Våga välja kärleken, utan regler, utan rädsla.  - Dare to choose love, without rules, without fear.
Kärleken kan plötsligt komma in i livet med oväntad kraft och glädje. - Love can suddenly come into life with unexpected strength and joy.
Älska - och bli älskad.                                           To Love and be loved
Förlåt - och bli förlåten.                                         Forgive and be forgiven.
Ge - och ta emot.                                                  Give and receive.

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