Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Dag 1

I have decided to document my new found Swedish ... obsession...  intrigue... PASSION.. basically for myself, but as I have been looking around on the internet, I have found myself on other blogs of many people like myself that have found this kärlek for Sweden, and therefore, I shall make it public, who knows, maybe I will inspire someone someday.   :)
I have found SO many links that my book marks are endless, and my Facebook feeds, i'm sure to those not interested, are a bit tedious. to say the least. 
First and foremost, I have to put Aaliyah Weston's GO SWEDISH  videos for youtube and iphone apps.  She has an amazing voice, and she makes learning Swedish enjoyable, interesting, and she doesn't rattle it all out like the "Swedish Chef."  I started watching her videos and following her on Twitter.  She does not have a lot of videos out there, but it is DEFINITELY a great place to start, and every time I get discouraged, or need to hear a pronunciation a little clearer, I always go back to these videos.  I also have a lot in common with her, and LOVE her outlook on life, so that helps too :)

I am also following The Swedish blog on Facebook/Twitter, and I go to their website frequently, as it usually has some information that you can't find just anywhere.  For instance today, they had 10 Swedish words you won't find in English.  Definitely helpful, and some were good for a few laughs. :)

Swedish Flash Cards is a great website, I try to do an hour of these a day.  

and once I learn words, I like to go to 

The Swedish Virtual Keyboard and try to type what I have learned.

I suppose this will be all for my first post.  I am under the weather, but I am dedicated, and someday, I will be able to type this in Swedish.   

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