Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Couch Surfing to Sweden & kräktes

Found amazing website today...  well, actually, I think it has a great CONCEPT; however, I don't know if I would EVER use it.   It is called Couch Surfing and at first I'm thinking that it is where I watch tv with international people and learn from it. haha NO.  It is a website FULL of world wide travelers that will actually allow you to jump from city to city and stay at their place, and you can give them full references, and I can't believe how many people actually use this.  Some of these people have had over 50 people stay at their apartments.  It is CRAZY.

What I do like about it though, is that these people actually embrace world travelers, and they themselves, are world travelers.  So they have a TON of worldly advice, and what to do, what not to do.
I am still working my way through their website because I'm a little confused by it, but I HAD to blog about it, because it is so intriguing.


I didn't do a lot of language work today, but I did do my daily lesson on Swedish Flashcards.
This one.. definitely amused me...  check it out :) 

Helen: Hej Anthony. Hur hade du det i München?
Helen: Hi Anthony, how was your trip to Munich?
Anthony: Inte särskilt trevligt.
Anthony: Not so nice.
Helen: Varför då?
Helen: Why not?
Anthony: Jag var sjuk. Jag kräktes, och sedan blev jag förkyld.
Anthony: I was sick. Had to vomit, and afterwards had a cold.
Helen: Åh, stackars dig. Har du varit till doktorn?
Helen: Oh, poor you. Have you been to the doctor?
Nej, men jag sökte internet. Det kan ha varit det här noroviruset. Det får en att kräkas.
Anthony: No, but I did some research on the internet. Could have been this Norovirus which makes you vomit.
Helen: Jaså?
Helen: Really?
Anthony: Ja, och jag läste att människor med blodgrupp noll drabbas oftare. Och jag har noll negativ.
Anthony: Yes, also I've read that people with blood group O are more often affected. And I've got O-.
Helen: Finns det någon behandling mot det?
Helen: Is there a treatment for that?
Anthony: Det finns ingen särskild behandling, men som tur är försvinner symptomen efter ett par dagar.
Anthony: There is no specific treatment. But fortunately the symptoms disappear after a couple of days.

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